Stormwater Drainage

We have the skills to provide Planning Studies and Detailed Drainage Analysis/Design, including Bio-Retention Basins, Detention Basins and Wetlands. We have the skills to provide small flood studies and outsource the larger flood studies. We have experience in providing drainage solutions to existing precedents where the existing system is undersized or where water quality control systems are required to be retrofitted.


  • Daintree Estate Tewantin – provide a detail design for the retro fitting of a Flood Barrier around an existing flood prone subdivision
  • Rifle Street Pomona – provide a detail design for the raising of Rifle Street to become a flood barrier separating low areas for the main stream flood.
  • Erindale Park Cooroy – realign and profile an existing ephemeral gully so that a Riparian 2 can be established, and flood impacts mitigated
  • Pearsons Road Subdivision Cooroy – incorporate Detention basin storage into a new bioretention basin so that flooding impacts are mitigated