The need to treat storm water runoff is common practice in South-East Queensland since the introduction of the State Planning Policy – The Healthy Waters Legislation ensures that all regions of Queensland are treating stormwater prior to entry into their natural waterways. As such we are experienced in preparing Integrated Water Management Plans, Stormwater Quality Management Plans and Detail Design.
- Biopods at Erindale Park Cooroy – the design of small biopods and bio swales into the road verges.
- Noosa Landfill Green Waste Bioretention Basin – the design of a large Bioretention Basin with pre-treatment devices to remove high nutrient and sediment loads from the runoff from the green waste storage area.
- Bioretention Basins at St Teresa’s Noosaville – The design and supervision of these Bioretention basins which treat all run off from the school precedent before it runs off into the surrounding endangered Habitat. MUSIC modelling was used to determine the efficiency of these systems during the design phase and supervision ensured that the construction was undertaken in accordance with the latest standards.
- Wetland Feasibility Study – a Hydrological and Geotechnical Investigation into the feasibility of a stormwater treatment wetland in parkland at Coolum. This project evaluated a number of options for stormwater treatment and provided a recommendation which considered water quality, aesthetics, safety, connectivity and open space issues.