Our people are spirited, hardworking, problem solvers that each bring their own skillset to the team.
The partners of Callaghan and Toth Consulting Engineers have maintained a presence in Noosa since 1980; sixteen years being with a previous engineering practice and consequently have extensive local knowledge, particularly of Sunshine Coast & Cooloola Coast and Toowoomba Region Infrastructure.


- UW Major Works Certifier
- UW Construction Certifier
- Certified Professional in Sediment & Erosion Control (2007)
- Registered Professional Civil and Environmental Engineer 6069 (2001)
- BSA Registered Hydraulic Designer (2001)
- Bachelor of Envionmental Engineering (1998)
- BSA Registered Builder (1999)
- Associated Degree in Civil Engineering (1975)
- Charted Member of Engineers Australia
- Member of International Erosion Control Association of Australia
- Member of Stormwater Association of Australia
Professional History
- Director of Callaghan and Toth Consulting Engineers (1999-2018)
- Design Office Manager at JF&P Consulting Engineers Noosa (1981-1998)
- MRD, Maroochy Shire Council and Civil & Civic – Design Draftsman/ Construction Technician
Lex Toth
Director, Civil & Environmental Engineer


- Bachelor in Environmental Engineering (1998)
- Member, Institution of Engineers, Australia
Professional History:
- 2009-Current: Senior Environmental Engineer with Callaghan and Toth Consulting Engineers
- 2007-2009: Senior Environmental Engineer – Natural Solutions
- 1999-2007: Environmental Engineer – Caboolture Shire Council & Noosa Shire Council
Key Skill Areas:
- The management of all development processes and Local, State and Federal legislative requirements, including provisions of SP, NCA, VMA, EPBC
- The developments of Environmental Management Plans, Environmental Impact Assessments and Site Based Management Plans
- Preparation of Erosion and Sediment Control Plans for Urban and Rural Developments and the supervision of their implementation
- Environmental Auditing and Inspections of various types of developments
- Preparation of Revegetation Plans for Parks, Waterways and Construction Corridors
- The preparation of Habitat Offset Plans and Translocation Plans
- Preparation of Species Management Plans for listed flora and fauna species
- Stormwater quality treatment device design
- Modelling and concept design of various water sensitive urban design systems including wetlands
- Preparation of Waterway Assessment Reports and Waterway Management Plans
Key Projects:
- Noosa Council Landfill Green Waste Platform – Design of a large Bioretention Basin to treat high nutrient and sediment runoff from site
- Environmental investigations and reports for Bridge Replacements works within Sunshine Coast, Noosa Shire, and Gympie Region – a total of 13 bridge replacements over the past 2 years
- Revegetation Design and Supervision of riparian zones along existing gullies and new gullies including bank and bed stabilizing – 900m length of gullies over the past 2 years
Jane Davissen
Environmental Engineer


- Bachelor of Science – Civil Engineering (2011), San Diego State University, California, USA
- Evaluated by Engineers Australia as Bachelor of Engineering (BE)
Professional history
- 2018 – Current: Civil Engineer – Callaghan & Toth Consulting Engineers
- 2012 – 2017: Engineering Associate – City of Watsonville Dept. of Public Works, California, USA
- 2012: Assistant Engineer – Carroll Engineering, Inc., California, USA
- 2011: Engineering Intern/Project Engineer – Condon-Johnson & Associates, California, USA
Key Skills Areas
- Project management and contract administration in both public and private industry settings
- Design of grading and drainage for new and redeveloped commercial and residential sites
- Partial design of gravity sewer and watermain replacement utilising both open trench and trenchless methods
- Superintendent Representative for civil works including stormwater and roads
- Hydrologic modelling and design of stormwater retention tanks and biotreatment basins
- Data analysis of various water/wastewater networks including project planning and replacement scheduling
- Design of streetscapes and council road reconstructions
- AutoCAD Drafting and 12d Modelling
Key Projects
- Camp Flat Road – assist in design review and certification of SCC road reconstruction
- Design of two low order rural road upgrades
- Mudjimba Beach Caravan Park Project – design of 32 developed caravan sites including access roads and underground utilities.
- Carramar Aged Care – design of the stormwater runoff analysis and open channel design.
- Assist in design of trunk sewer and SPS removal for Gympie Regional Council
- Supervision of civil works associated with numerous small subdivisions
- City of Watsonville Skatepark – Designed a biotreatment basin to treat pollutant loads before release to nearby estuary.
- Mañana Lane Sanitary Sewer Replacement Project – Designed and managed the replacement of a 950m gravity sewer using pipe bursting and pipe reaming methods.
Monte Plasman
Civil Engineer